Can You Relate With My Story?

Learn More About Angie Smuin

About Angie Smuin

Do you feel tired and overwhelmed with life?

Does motherhood feel like a daunting task that you are ill equipped to do?

That was me for many years. But I have discovered that I don’t have to spend my life being tired and overwhelmed. And motherhood is an adventure that isn’t as daunting as I originally thought.

Angie's Story Starts

But I should probably start at the beginning.  I went from childhood to adulthood when a screaming bundle of pink entered my life in 1988. I was 17 and had no idea how to be a mother. I stumbled around in a bubble of chaos while I tried to juggle life with a small child. I had much to learn.

By the time I was 25 I was a single mom with 2 kids. My life was not turning out like the fairy tale I had always imagined. I was out of control in more ways than one. I knew I was lacking something but I wasn’t sure what that something was.

One day I found myself face to face with God. I chose to submit my life and my will and follow His leading. I discovered that while all those books and teachers had good stuff to say about how I should raise my kids they lacked the foundation of God. My quest to grow as a mom took on a new life when God became the center of my life.

Big Changes

Then in 1997 I married my best friend. He is my rock. He encourages me to be the best I can be in all things.

We soon had 3 more children and life was very full. I found myself struggling to get through each day. I loved being a mom but I was chronically exhausted and overwhelmed with the volume of demands on my time. At one point we had 3 kids in car seats and diapers. It was during this time that I also got the brilliant idea to pursue my Master’s degree in Clinical Pastoral Counseling. I spent many nights sitting by the tub with my textbooks studying while our 3 youngest had bath time. The water spots on those books became a reminder that even in tough times the impossible is possible.

It was during this crazy time that I discovered many tidbits that transformed my mothering. I amassed a vast amount of books on parenting as well as multiple parenting classes and seminars. I became a student and consumer of parenting gurus. Between what God revealed to me and those materials, our kids and our home were transformed. This did not go unnoticed by the other mothers around me. I spent countless hours sharing these insights and encouraging other mothers.

More Big Changes

While my mothering was being transformed I still found myself struggling in the area of health. I just didn’t feel good. I often wondered how it was possible to be a good mother when I was so miserable physically. This began my quest for better health. I began exercising and learning how to cook healthier meals. I soon discovered that exercise and good food were not enough. My body needed something more. I turned my search to nutritional supplements. I tried a variety of things from the local health food store as well as independent companies with products that were said to do great things. I found that not all products are created equal. Eventually, I discovered a product line that actually worked and I have been excited to share it with others ever since.

My life has been transformed with a combination of good nutritional supplements, exercise, healthy eating, personal discipline, God and personal growth. I no longer struggle to get through the day. My family is a joy instead of a burden.

It is my mission to share with other women the life changing principles that I have applied to my life. I want other women to find freedom and success in life. You do not have to feel overwhelmed and burdened. There are answers. Things can change. You can have victory and success. You can be healthy and be able to enjoy life with your family.

Stick around and let me encourage and equip you to be the best you can be.