Gods protectionGod’s Protective Hand

God’s protective hand is big enough to handle everything even the lives of our children.

Life is fragile. It is filled with many unknowns. It seems to be a daily thing to listen to the news and hear about lives cut short.

This can be a scary part of being a parent. We take our job to keep our child safe very seriously. We childproof our home. We use the correct child car seat. We make sure to keep that child healthy and safe in all areas of life.

It can be easy to lose perspective on this parenting journey. We can become so caught up in the job of keeping our child safe that we forget whose job that really is.

Because the truth is that we can do everything right and still fail. We are flawed humans and ultimately not able to protect ourselves or our children from everything bad in this world.

There is only one who can truly do that.

God is our protection

The Lord will keep you from all harm. He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:7-8 NIV

Parenting tips are wonderful but the best one is to remember that God is our protection. It is not all about us nor is it dependent solely on our actions.

Following are 3 things we can all do to trust God as the source of protection for ourselves and our children.

  1. Memorize scripture

It is super important to find scripture that talks about God’s protection in your life and commit them to memory so you can meditate on them and grow your faith in this area. Help your children memorize these scriptures so they can grow in their faith as well.

One of my favorites is:

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing. Psalm 34:7-9 NIV

I love the mental image of the angels of God encamped all around me. I imagine them to be quite big and intimidating with massive swords. They are busy about protecting me. God’s protective hand is on my life.

  1. Prayer

Prayer is one of our most powerful weapons. When we are faced with decisions or difficult situations it is important to pray and ask God for wisdom and guidance and also for protection.

This is one of my favorite verses about prayer.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6

No matter the situation we should be going to the Lord and praying. That is where the true source of peace can be found and also protection from the many things in this life that come against us. God is our protection and prayer is a part of that.

  1. Obedience

After we quote scripture and pray we need to be listening and obedient. If God says go right, we need to go right. There have been many times when I have been saved a lot of heartache and pain because I listened to what God was telling me and I chose to be obedient.

Life is filled with choices. We get to decide so many things. But in those choices, we need to allow God to direct us on the correct path.  This can lead to protection from many things that would otherwise have harmed us.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

When we seek God for guidance, direction or protection we need to be obedient to what He tells us.

As we parent our children it is important to remember to memorize scripture about God’s protection, pray and ask God for His protection and then be obedient to what He says. We can do everything perfectly and still fail to protect our child from the many things that can hurt them. We need to trust God with our children and with our own lives.

God is our protection.

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