How To Have a Healthy Immune System
A healthy immune system is something every parent wishes for their child. Nobody wants to have to nurse their child back to health after a cold or flu. That can be a miserable time for everyone. And what about when mom gets sick? That can be a disaster!
There are many things that impact the effectiveness of our immune system. I talk about some of those things in the video about having a healthy immune system. Below are 5 practical things we can all do to give our immune system a little boost. A few simple things that can help us all be healthier and more present for our loved ones.
- Gut Health
I know I beat this drum a lot but so much happens in the gut. 80% of our immune system is in the gut. In order to have a healthy immune system that is capable of fighting off viruses and infections, we must have the correct balance of good bacteria vs. bad bacteria. The most optimum balance in the gut is 85% good bacteria and 15% bad bacteria. Many things in our lives affect this balance. For example, 1 round of antibiotics will wipe out the good bacteria and have an impact on the immune system for up to a year unless action is taken to replenish what has been destroyed.
To have a healthy gut it is important to take a high quality probiotic. According to a study, young children who drank a mixture of such bacteria, known as probiotics, had fewer colds, needed fewer antibiotics, and missed fewer days of school. We know that probiotics have a profound effect on our gut health which in turn impacts our immune system.
- Wash hands
I know this is simple but it is so often overlooked. More times than I would like to count I have been in a public bathroom and observed women and children go into a stall, come out, and leave the bathroom without touching the sink. The amount of germs that can be washed away by something so simple as washing the hands is huge. This will help reduce the amount of germs your immune system has to deal with.
- Reduce Stress
We live in a very fast-paced world and with that fast pace comes stress. When our stress is high our bodies release a stress hormone called corticosteroid. This hormone has an impact on the immune system. This leaves our body with a reduced ability to fight off antigens which leaves us more susceptible to infections and illness.
I used to laugh when I read things telling me to reduce my stress. I had a house full of little people all while working a job, homeschooling and going to school for my master’s degree. I had stress! I had stress from the moment I woke up to the moment I fell asleep. One of the things that helped me to reduce stress was a simple word. No. It helped me to realize that it is ok to say no. There are many good things to be involved in but that doesn’t mean you have to do them all. Know your limits and stay within them. There are also things you can do to reduce stress such as the items below.
- Regular exercise
Exercise is an important part of a healthy immune system. It can be as simple as going for a walk 2-3 times a week. Vigorous exercise has more benefits to it but even the process of walking can help greatly.
Exercise can help flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways. It also increases the white blood cells which increases your ability to fight off illness. When you exercise you may notice that your body temperature rises and you don’t need that jacket anymore. That slight increase in temperature helps the body fight infection. And last but not least is that exercise helps decrease stress. Yes, that is a double benefit. Reduce stress while you exercise and build a healthy immune system.
- Get enough sleep
When we sleep our body produces proteins called cytokines. These are responsible for helping us sleep better but also certain cytokines need to increase when we are fighting an infection, inflammation or under stress. If we do not get enough sleep our body is not able to produce enough of these proteins. Basically our body needs the correct amount of sleep to be able to fight off illness and disease. Adults need 6-8 hours of good sleep. Teenagers need 9-10 hours of sleep and school-age children need 10+.
Sleep is an important part of a healthy immune system.
How to Have a Healthy Immune System
Having a healthy immune system doesn’t start when sickness strikes. Having a healthy immune system takes purposeful action over time. Some of the factors in having a healthy immune system are, heal the gut, wash your hands, reduce stress, regular exercise, and get enough sleep.
Click here to get my recommendation for what I use to heal my family’s gut health issues which improved our immune systems. Flu season is no longer feared in my house.
Be sure to watch the video for information on how what we eat affects our immune system.
Click here to download my free guide, 3 Tips For Better Health.