Most important things to do after a workout

When I first started going to the gym I was a little intimidated by all of the equipment and the people who were obviously in better shape than me. Many people feel the same way when they first step foot inside a local gym. Just like everyone else when they first start I spent time figuring out what to do and how to do it. Most of the focus was on learning what to do at the gym but it is equally important to have the correct post workout activity as well.

I spent some time researching the most important things to do after a workout and have narrowed it down to 6 key things.

Post Workout Activitypost workout activity

  1. Hydrate

Drink up the life-giving crystal clear water. Many people struggle to consume enough water every day. It is recommended that we drink half our body weight in ounces every day. When we workout that is super important. Drink water before, during and after to replace what is being lost in sweat. I like the analogy of a car. A car has to have oil in order to run. The human body has to have water to run. Just as a car will seize up and break if it doesn’t get enough oil so the human body will break down without enough water. Oil is a car’s lubricant and water is the human body’s lubricant. So drink up!

  1. Cool down

Many people opt to skip the cool down phase. This is very unwise. Just as exercise heats up the body and increases the heart rate the cool down period gives the body an opportunity to lower both of those gradually. When you don’t allow the body to cool down before stopping this can cause light-headedness and other issues. After a heavy workout, jump on the treadmill for 5-10 minutes and walk or jog.

  1. Stretching

This is often overlooked as well. When we exercise our muscles create lactic acid. Stretching helps the lactic acid leave the body faster and thus will result in less sore muscles. Focus on the major muscle groups such as the back, chest, and legs. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds each time and be sure to not bounce.  5-10 minutes of stretches after a workout can make a huge impact on keeping your muscles flexible and help prevent injury.

  1. Massage or Roller

A massage after a workout can help reduce muscle soreness by reducing inflammation and can reduce your recovery time by speeding up cell recovery. You can also get the same benefit from using a roller, a foam tube that you can roll your body over after a workout.  These things can be a key to faster recovery and less sore muscles.

  1. Food

It is important to give the body what it needs to recover. 20-30 g of protein and 30-40 g of carbohydrates are the standard recommendation. This can be obtained via protein recovery drinks or with food. When this should be consumed is varied depending on the expert you ask but 30 minutes after the workout is accepted as a good time frame. Just remember that when you are working out is not the time to starve yourself. Your muscles have been working and they need the proper fuel to rebuild and get stronger. To find out my favorite recovery drink Click Here.

  1. Sleep

This is something that is often overlooked. But it is critical that we get the proper amount of sleep each night. During sleep, the body produces Growth Hormone (GA) which is mostly responsible for the growth and repair of the body. 6-8 hours of solid sleep is the recommendation. If you are doing intense workouts it is important that your sleep is not cut short.

The most important things to do after a workout all involve giving extra attention to how you are taking care of your body. This is true of many things in regards to health and wellness. How we take care of our bodies today will determine the health we enjoy tomorrow.

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