Probiotics For WomenProbiotics for women

Probiotics are a hot topic these days. But what are they and why do women need to be taking probiotics?

A very simple answer is probiotics are microorganisms that live in your gut. If you would like a more detailed answer to this question about what are Probiotics Click Here to read my blog post about Probiotics.


Gut Microbiome

The answer to the next question isn’t as simple. In order to have optimum health, it is important to have the proper balance of good gut bacteria and bad gut bacteria. When we take oral contraceptives or antibiotics we are destroying the gut microbiome. When the gut microbiome is not correctly balanced with good and bad bacteria there can be a ripple of health issues that can happen.

Things like:

Autoimmune issues



yeast infections

skin issues such as eczema or rosacea

food sensitivities

depression and mental issues

and many more

In order to bring the gut microbiome into correct balance, it is important to add probiotics into your diet and supplemental regime. By adding probiotics into your system you are giving the gut microbiome the chance to repopulate the good gut bacteria which is essential for optimum health.

Probiotics For Women

Probiotics can help with many feminine issues which is why it is important for women to be eating probiotic rich foods and supplementing by taking probiotics.

These are some of the main reasons probiotics for women are so important.

  1. Probiotics help restore the proper gut bacteria balance of 80% good bacteria and 20% bad bacteria by repopulating the gut with good probiotics. This is a foundational part of healthy living. If the gut bacteria are not properly balanced there will be problems in various parts of the body.
  2. UTI! If you are part of the 40-60% of women that have recurring UTI infections you may want to start taking a quality probiotic. A probiotic can help prevent and reduce the symptoms of a UTI.
  3. Taking a probiotic helps boost the immune system because 80% of the immune cells are created in the gut. If the gut bacteria are not 80% good bacteria and 20% bad bacteria the immune system will suffer. When we are busy raising children we often neglect our own health and end up sick every time something is going around. This can cause many problems in the home. Boost your immune system by taking a probiotic supplement.
  4. Fertility can be impacted by the bacteria in the gut. This may sound strange but studies have shown that by keeping the correct balance of 80% good bacteria and 20% bad bacteria in the gut can increase the chances of getting pregnant. If you want to start or grow your family I encourage you to increase your probiotic intake.
  5. Vaginal infections are miserable! The flora in the vagina impacts your chances of developing vaginal infections. Taking a probiotic can help prevent urogenital infections, vaginal yeast infections, and bacterial vaginosis by keeping the vaginal bacteria in balance.
  6. Skin issues are something that can be embarrassing and unsightly. As women, we may spend a lot of money on expensive creams and makeup to cover up unsightly skin issues. But there are studies done that show a link between the gut microbiome and such skin issues as acne, rosacea, and eczema. Adding probiotic supplementation can help with these issues.

Women may spend money on creams, makeup and clothes to make the outside look good and yet neglect the inside. This is counterproductive. The foundation of good health is good gut health. If we pay attention to what is happening in the gut the outside will reflect that.

Probiotics for women help develop optimum health on the inside first and the outside will reflect that health.

Not all probiotics are the same. After years of research, I found a quality probiotic that I take on a regular basis. If you would like to know what I personally recommend Click Here.

Make sure to grab your copy of my 3 Tips For Better Health by clicking here.

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