Why Detox is Importantdetox

Detox is a hot topic these days so I decided it was worth checking out. What is detox and why is detox important? If you can relate to any of these symptoms you may need to address the issue of detox.

For years I was…

Chronically fatigued.

Life felt overwhelming and my ability to deal with stress was minimal.

I was exhausted and yet when I went to bed I couldn’t sleep.

My skin was dull and tended to break out at the worst times.

If there was a bug or flu going around…I caught it!

My mind felt like it was in a fog a lot all the time.

I craved sugary treats and ate them compulsively!

I was frequently constipated and digesting food was often unpleasant!

Can you relate to any of those? I sure could. My body was overloaded with toxins and not able to get rid of them.

Why is Detox Important?

The human body is an amazing and complex machine that is designed with incredible abilities. One of those abilities is to rid the body of toxins. These toxins can come from our environment, foods, and even the air we breathe.

I cannot begin to give you the whole picture so I will give you the simple version of how this works. The liver, kidney, and intestines are a well-oiled machine of waste removal. The problem arises when those systems are overloaded with toxins and are unable to efficiently remove them. This can happen for a variety of reasons but it can and often does happen.

If this happens our bodies may experience the above symptoms as well as other things like smelly breathe and body odor, depression, mood swings, weight gain, and lack of energy.

While the body is able to rid itself of these toxins it can get overloaded due to lifestyle choices. The same is true that we can make lifestyle choices to help the toxins leave instead of sticking around and having a negative impact.

Our lifestyle choices matter.

It is important to take nutritional supplements that support a healthy liver, kidney, and gut function. Taking action to aid the body in ridding itself of toxins can make a world of difference.

To find out what I recommend to support a healthy detox click here.

To find out what to do to support your body during detox watch my video.

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