Be a Light in the Dark.
I am struggling today. The weight of the negative news today is weighing me down. I am struggling to be positive in such a negative world.
There, I said it. Can anyone relate to those statements?
I know that everywhere I turn it is one thing after another that threatens to strangle the joy and peace I have fought so hard to have.
But God!
I have found myself being more diligent to set time aside from each day and spend it with God.
Reading the Bible
Listening to worship music
I am one voice and one person amongst a sea of voices. I have to be careful that the voices I am listening to are feeding my spirit and not killing my spirit. What I take in is what will come out. I want to be a woman of faith and not fear. So I have to take in things that feed my faith.
I love the story of the wolves. It goes something like this…
We each have two wolves inside us. Whichever one you feed is the one that will grow. Feed it enough and it will grow and kill the other one. Be careful which one you feed.
Eat a steady diet of fear and you will be filled with fear. Eat a steady diet of positive faith and that is what you will be. Positive and Faith-filled.
In my life, I have gone through periods of time where I was so caught up in the busyness of life that I neglected my time with the Lord. I still believed. I still loved Him. But he was not in first place in my life based on how I spent my time.
I want to challenge you to put Him in first place during such a time as this. These are dark times. But with Christ a priority His light will shine forth and be a light in the darkness. Set aside time each day and devote it to spending time with Jesus. He is the only way, truth, and life.
Again therefore Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12
Spend some time in the Light so that you can reflect His light in the dark.
Be a light in the dark.