I remember them like it was yesterday: the births of each one of my five children. The wonder of a new life starting with a freshness only God can provide. I recall the feeling of ultimate love that washed over me the first time I laid my eyes on each tiny, soft bundle. That amazing feeling of gently running my fingers across the top of an incredibly soft head of hair is permanently seared into my mind. Then, when those sweet eyes looked up at me with pure love, I melted. Each and every time I knew that I was in love with this little person, and each time my heart expanded.
Then time passed, and while that love grew, times got tough. The two-year-old threw himself to the ground in a furious tantrum. The four-year-old decided brushing her teeth was a task she was NOT going to do! Then there was the ten-year-old who gave me the stink eye and passively refused to do his chores. Let’s not forget the sixteen-year-old who wasn’t where he was supposed to be and came home late with a very lame excuse.
No matter where you are in this journey of motherhood, it is during the difficult times that it can be the hardest to see the best in your child. It can be especially so if he or she is defiant or pushes the limits of your patience. If you have been a parent for very long, you know that parenting is challenging. That amazing bundle of joy turns into an independent person so fast it makes you wonder where the time has gone. Then you are left wondering if you are going to survive raising this child.
Let’s face it: raising a child is not easy. It is the hardest job you will ever have! That is why we need each other for encouragement. That is also why I wrote the book, Intentional Motherhood… To help parents on this parenting journey!
Thank you for reading. If you liked what you just read you will love the book, Intentional Motherhood. You can order your copy today! Intentional Motherhood