Intentional Motherhood
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Another great excerpt from Intentional Motherhood:

Lewis Carroll once said, “Any road will get you there, if you don’t know where you are going.”

What are your purposes and goals in parenting? I attended a parenting conference many years ago. I couldn’t tell you much about that weekend. It was a whirlwind of speakers, books, and information. The one thing I do remember is the analogy of shooting an arrow and hitting the target. I didn’t fully understand that analogy until my kids joined an archery team.

I spent many nights standing in the cold while they practiced shooting at the target. It was a bit funny to see the arrows bounce off the target in the beginning. This gradually changed to the sound of an arrow solidly sinking instead of clanging onto the cement floor. As my children practiced, their aim improved. They had more strength and accuracy as they let those arrows fly.

Anyone can shoot a bow and arrow. But only those who practice, aim, and release with intention will hit the target. Parenting is like archery. Your child is an arrow in your quiver. Do you have your eye on the target? Are you practicing your aim? Are you confident that your arrows are prepared to be launched?


Thank you for reading. If you liked what you read you would love my book, Intentional Motherhood.  Order your copy today. And don’t forget to leave a review after you read it.

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